Shilpa Lal – Oceanography Graduate Student at UH Mānoa
How to Survive an Oceanographic Cruise … especially if you don’t speak the same language
I am from Fiji. I did my undergrad studies at The University of the South Pacific (Fiji) in Marine Science and Climate Change. I am a bit of a divergent – I have a broad range of interests: Anthropology, archaeology, history, architecture, mathematics,travelling, art,culinary and collecting artifacts(shopping while I am traveling) and the ocean. In my free time I enjoy doing doing henna, gardening, cooking or taking a long walk.
As part of my studies I get to go out on research vessels a lot. Many times the crew does not speak English or the vessel is from a country where English is not their national language. Growing up on a tiny island country in the middle of the Pacific, there were a limited number of languages we were taught at school. I guess school didn’t prepare me so well for the journey I would be embarking on or perhaps gave me an opportunity to have new language learning adventures on my own. English was my national language. Life on research vessel can be hard if you can’t communicate with the crew. Same can be said when visiting any foreign country I guess. Except unlike a foreign country where you sort of have freedom of movement and choice of food you would like to eat, on a ship your choice of food is limited to what the cook prepares and if you have special diets and can’t communicate with the cook and kitchen crew, it’s going to be horrible. I have had so many interesting , fun and new experiences dealing with crew and life on board research vessels. I think Nerd night is a great opportunity to share these fun experiences and perhaps inspire other people to travel or help other travelers with the tips I have learnt during my time at sea.
Mark Hixon, PhD – Professor of Marine Biology, Department of Biology, UH Mānoa
Sea Monsters
I have been lucky to have spent my career studying sea life underwater using SCUBA and small research submarines. I will share images and stories of some of the more bizarre giant creatures my colleagues and I have encountered in the ocean depths. As a bonus, the presentation will be in the format of a multiple-choice drinking game.
Krissie Kellogg – Aerospace Exploration Lab & Imaginarium Specialist at WCC
The Amazing Space Shuttle
As a kid, I was always interested in space, stars, planets, robots, machines, etc. I couldn’t have been more different than the family I grew up in! I somehow managed to get a nice little job at WCC where I am surrounded by everything I loved as a kid! I’m living my 9 year old kid dream every day!
Although shuttle launches are a thing of the past, they are part of our history. (I still find them beautiful and fascinating.) I will talk about how they launch, how they land, and where they are now.

Physics and snails and Octopi, OH MY!
See the full schedule of Hi-Sci Festival events at:
Tuesday, 6 March 2018
Anna O’Brien’s
Doors open at 7:30pm
Talks start at 8:00pm
Come early, get a drink, and grab a drink!
2440 South Beretania Street (see map below)
FREE – bring your own food!
Music accompanied by DJ Globes!
Mighty Cephalopods!
Regina “Regie” Kawamoto – Malacology Collection Technician
Cephalopods have escape skills like Houdini! Master of Disguises that they can disappear before your very eyes! And the might of a thousand horses?
Regie was born and raised on the Island of Kauaʻi, where her wonderful family took her on outings to beaches and hikes around Kauaʻi. She received her Bachelor’s degree at the University of Hawaiʻi, Mānoa in the Zoology Department where she worked with people who encouraged and peaked her interest in marine biology, water quality, conservation, and outreach programs.
Prime-Time, Slime-Time
Norine W. Yeung, Ph.D – Malacology Researcher and Collection Manager
In Hawaii, we have a spectacular land snail fauna – more than 750 species! However, we also have more established non-native land snails than any other island or archipelago in the Pacific. Many of these alien species threaten native forests (i.e., damage native plants and seedlings), are agricultural and horticultural pests, and serve as vectors of parasites that cause livestock and human diseases. Learn
more about which invasive land snails carry the Rat Lungworm disease in Hawaii and where they can be found.
Dr. Norine Yeung’s current research interests are focused on understanding the evolutionary mechanisms and processes that generate, maintain, and in some cases, reduce biodiversity. Teaching is central to her research, as an educator of science, policy and management.
Physics and Fizzyology: The Battle of the Bends in Deep Sea Diving
Richard L. Pyle, PhD – Associate Zoologist, Database Coordinator
Diving to depths of 500 feet or more requires chutzpah and a keen sense of adventure but, behind all of the thrills lies a hard truth: safely descending to depths beyond the range of conventional SCUBA involves understanding some basic laws of physics and human physiology, mixed in with some pedantic engineering and fastidious planning that is much more in the realm of academic nerdery, than undersea heroics.
Richard Pyle has worked in the Ichthyology collection at Bishop Museum since 1986. He is an Associate Researcher, Database Coordinator, and Dive Safety Officer for the Museum. His main field of expertise involves the taxonomy and biogeography of coral-reef fishes. His other areas of interest include the use of advanced diving technology to document biodiversity inhabiting deeper regions of tropical coral reefs, and also the development of computer database systems (and associated data standards) for managing biodiversity information.
Nerd Nite Honolulu is teaming up with the Bishop Museum on March 6!
Join us for the Hawaii Science Festival (HI-Sci Fest) at Nerd Nite Honolulu!
First Tuesday of the Month
Anna O’Briens * Doors open at 7:30pm * Talks begin at 8:00pm
Stay tuned for more information…

Aloha Past, Present, and Future Nerd Niters,
Nerd Nite Honolulu is a monthly event that happens every first Tuesday …
Where Nerds Come to Talk Story
Nerds et al. gather to mingle, drink, think and learn something like they’ve never learned before! BONUS: BYO FOOD
Come for the Unadulterated Nerdism!
Fun-yet-intelligent presentations are interspersed with live or DJ’ed music, while the audience drinks (and thinks) along.
Be there and be square!
VENUE: Anna O’Brien’s at Isenberg and Beretania
Doors at 7:30 * Talks at 8ish

Boats, Boats, Boats: Using Computers to Design Cool Stuff in the Ocean
The advancement of computers has led to a transformation in boat design beyond traditional naval architecture. Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), engineers can now rapidly prototype early-stage designs and more accurately predict performance. CFD is valuable for designing boats, ships, floating structures, and amphibious vehicles. Plus, it can make some pretty cool pictures and animations.
Charlie was born in raised in Hawaii, went to MIT for my Bachelor’s degree, then came back home to get my Master’s at UH. Since graduating, he worked for five years as a Mechanical/Ocean Engineer for Navatek Ltd, a local engineering company that specializes in science and technology projects, primarily for the Office of Naval Research and other government programs.
The Only Thing You Can Really Choose to Wear for Your Funeral
KAI SMART, Tattooer
A very brief discussion of the past, present, and future of tattooing as well as a longer discussion of my personal experiences with it. I examine the growing popularity of the craft, the role a tattooer plays in the experience, and the repercussions of permanence in this day and age.
Kai Smart has been a tattooer for 13 years, coming to it from an unlikely career as an antique book-dealer. She’s actually someone who uses her college art degree! She is also a nerd, and through talking to her clients to sooth them during an intense experience spreads a lot knowledge, some of which is possibly false or embellished information. Oh well.
Exploring “Artsci” Practices for 21st Century Scientists
KIRSTEN CARLSON, Science Communicator
DR. JUDY LEMUS, Marine Scientist
Kirsten and Judy will share their pathways into integrating science and art through their respective careers. They will present a new interactive teaching tool based on their collaboration and invite you to participate in the fun!
Kirsten Carlson is one-part nerd, one-part artist and 100% Viking. She is a trained science communicator and spearheads the Kailua Beach Plankton Rescue Unit on Oahu (always looking for more volunteers). She is a National Science Foundation Groupie, having just returned from diving in the Ross Sea as part of the NSF Antarctic Artists and Writers Program and is currently working part-time at the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology as a scientific illustrator and graphic designer with Judy Lemus on an NSF Early-Concept Grant for Exploratory Research. She loves to draw underwater, paddle outrigger canoes and craft children’s books.
Dr. Judy Lemus is a marine scientist and “right-brainer” wannabe. She is fascinated by symbiosis in all its forms, which has been an overarching theme in her professional career, from marine biologist to educational specialist. She designs science education programs for learners of all ages and currently co-directs the Marine Biology Graduate Program at UH Manoa. Judy is also the creator and director of MakerLab at the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, a discovery-based science lab and makerspace where she works with Kirsten on cool stuff. She spends her spare time practicing Okinawan karate and trying to channel her inner artist.

Lindsay Veazey
Cats, Caterpillars, and Menopause: mind control in nature & what scientists are learning from it
Fungus, protozoans, hypnosis, and gut bacteria…the CIA could learn a thing or two (and they have)…
Lindsay is a PhD student in quantitative biology that is happy to talk about something, anything, other than her effing dissertation
Steve Nelson
Destroying the earth with nuclear weapons.
Mariana Rocha de Souza
Cool facts of the jelly world!
They sting, they are eternal, they are extremely diverse… grab a pint and come hear about other fun facts about jellyfish!
Aloha Honolulu Nerds!
Nerd Nite #53 – Sing, Dammit! – Game On! – University Admin BS! –
DATE: 7 Nov 2017
VENUE: Anna O’Brien’s at Isenberg and Beretania
Doors at 7:30, talks at 8ish
With DJ Globes providing music and awesomeness.
Bring your best Nerd Shirt for a free drink!

James McCarthy: Shut Up and Sing!
Every brain has a musical capacity (kinda like a birds) – even yours. So grab a pint and be a bird brain – for twenty minutes.
Jacqueline Ashwell: If You Can Write, You Can Make Computer Games
Crafting computer games isn’t just for the hard-core coders anymore.
This talk will introduce you to two easy-to-learn approaches for sharing your interactive stories and world-building ideas with the world.
Anonymous: Hang (yourself) in There, Baby! University Admin Secret Internal “Workings”
Self explanatory

Aloha Honolulu Nerds!
Nerd Nite #52 – Black Women in Science – Planet Formation – Space and Time
DATE: 10/3/2017
VENUE: Anna O’Brien’s at Isenberg and Beretania
Doors at 7:30, talks at 8ish
With DJ providing music and awesomeness.
Bring your best Nerd Shirt for a free drink!
Aloha Honolulu Nerds!
Nerd Nite #28- Trash, Telescopes, and Climate-smart microbes
DATE: 11/3/2015
VENUE: Anna O’Brien’s at Isenberg and Beretania
Doors at 7:30, talks at 8ish
With DJ Globes providing music and awesomeness.

ANITA 3: Looking at penguins from space – By Ben Rotter
Abstract: As a disclaimer, this talk has nothing to do with penguins. Their home in Antarctica just so happens to be one of the best places in the world to look for Ultra High Energy (UHE) cosmic rays and neutrinos emanating from the furthest reaches of space. The ANITA3 balloon borne telescope is searching for these ghostly yet powerful messenger particles, which can open an entirely new window to our universe.
Bio: Ben is a Research Assistant and Doctoral Candidate at the University of Hawaii at Manoa who enjoys complex experimental apparatus and cats.
Trash Talk: Consumption and Climate Change – By Nicole Chatterson
Abstract: Trash isn’t the sexiest topic, but it plays a big role in our cultural narrative. This talk will focus on the intersection between waste, consumption, and climate change and discuss a major paradigm shift that is underway.
Bio: Nicole is an environmental scientist, change agent, and educator and she is madly in love with the outdoors.
Climate Change: We’re f*cked! Monitoring the tragedy with Microbes – By Markus Lindh
Abstract: Microbes respond rapidly to changes in the environment both in composition and metabolic activity. Here I present a disturbingly cynical yet remarkbly hopeful talk on how to monitor ocean change by determining microbial distribution patterns and applied theoretical ecology.Bio: Markus is A) ecologist, mainly working with marine microbes, B) aspiring educator specializing in visualizations, C) nerd that likes hiking and adventures.
Aloha Honolulu Nerds!
Nerd Nite #26- Bees, mass spec, and stream pollution
DATE: 9/1/2015
VENUE: Anna O’Brien’s at Isenberg and Beretania
Doors at 7:30, talks at 8ish
With DJ Globes providing music and awesomeness.
“Life as a Bee” By Karen Neal
“Nice Mass: Getting intimate with spectrometry” By Val FInlayson
“Shit Runs Downhill: Non-point source pollution in streams” By Todd Cullison