

Star-Hopping the Hawaiian Night Sky
Tony Smith
Learn some basic astronomy and how to identify celestial objects visible in the skies over Hawaii. We’ll learn about Hawaiian stars and constellations alongside the Western system and how Harry Potter fits into the picture too!
Tony Smith has been a Science Educator since high school when he volunteered with Outdoor School in the forests near his native Portland, Oregon teaching 6th graders about natural science. After graduating from Oregon State University with a degree in General Science and intentions to be a middle school science teacher, Tony instead ran back to the woods and worked as staff at Outdoor School. Tony has also worked at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in Portland and Pacific Science Center in Seattle, WA. He moved to Hawaii this past June and is currently the supervisor of the Bishop Museum Planetarium. When he’s not staring at the night sky, Tony is also a Co-Boss of Nerd Nite Honolulu.
Slavery and Loyalism
John T. Harrison IV
This history lecture sketches a brief picture the choices of escaped slaves who found a better chance of realizing freedom within their lifetimes by siding with Great Britain in the American War of Independence, and the outcome of their choices at the end of the war.
John Harrison was born here in Honolulu and grew up in Kaneohe. He earned his Bachelors Degree studying History at UH Manoa, while moonlighting as a wine snob at Vintage Wine Cellar.


EH (the earth without art)
Jessica Orfe
This holo holo talk will take you through a brief history of artistic approaches to science & survey some modern ‘SCIART’ endeavors. You will also get an insider scoop on Microbial Mysteries in the OMZ and learn
(vicariously) what it is like to ‘hit a wall’ (with paint). Bonus points for glowing bunnies.
Jessica is an artist, illustrator, dancer, and nature-enthusiast. Between artistic forays and involvement with local organizations she is soaking up inspiration from her favorite gallery (guess which).  For more info/updates, visit her website or IG ( @cherubjeo3).