Nerd Nite #3Be there and be square!

Doors at 7:00, talks at 8 PM.

$5 cover.

Mercury Bar

1154 Fort Street Mall

Honolulu, HI 96813


Fishing the Twilight Zone” by Richard Pyle



Your third-grade teacher lied: you CAN sing!” by James McCarthy

Despite what most of us were told as young crooners by some well-meaning but misinformed adult (okay, apologies to your third grade teacher), the vast majority of human beings have the capacity to sing well. And James McCarthy is here to prove it through demonstration and ‘human power point’ that will get the place raising happy (drunken) voices together.  As the primary leader of Irish bar songs in the city, James has the practice down and also the theory–combining  the overtone series, the ‘ornithological capacity,’ vocal puzzlers and kinesiology in a way only a professional entertainer can. So raise your glasses. Then your voices. Then your glasses. Repeat till complete.

James McCarthy attended Harvard Graduate School of Education and is the co-founder of Doolin Rakes and Truetone/Hawaii School of Voice. His recent CD Nows the new Later highlights his diverse singing styles.


The only book worth burning is the Scrabble Dictionary” by Julia Wieting

Everyone needs rules, right? Especially when they so nicely set you up to triple-word-score your opponent’s ass. Yet, try to turn ‘ring’ into ‘ringtone’, dazzle some ‘bling’, or whip out that ‘unibrow’ and you’ll end up with a high score of… zero points. At least, according to the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary. Come learn why all dictionaries can be pilloried as conservative approximations of language (‘but wait, they tell us what words mean!!’) and why the OSPD is the worst of them all.

Julia Wieting has an M.A. in Linguistics and will be starting her Ph.D. in English in the fall. And even with both degrees she will still only be able to spell PHAMD (13 points).


Alex Globerson rocks Mercury with appropriately-themed DJed music, and James McCarthy demonstrates his “ornithological capacity” with live guitar and vocals.