Sea Level Rise – a Real 💩 Storm:
Shellie Habel, PhD
As sea level continues to rise, the functionality of cesspools and other types of onsite sewage disposal systems are being threatened, specifically in low-lying coastal areas. This is occurring both by coastal erosion and groundwater inundation of these systems. Modeling and monitoring by our team and fellow colleagues will make you say “Ewwww”
Cesspools are Poo-pools, What Are We Doodoo-ing About It?💩
Shayla Waiki, MS
Hear about her cesspool dye tracer work as a graduate student and the efforts in outreach and policy the WAI team along with many others are focused on to address this crappy situation.
Making Sanitation Sexy Again
Stuart Coleman, MFA
Stuart Coleman will share his journey from working on plastic pollution and water quality issues at the Surfrider Foundation to starting up our non-profit WAI: Wastewater Alternatives & Innovations, which is focused on reducing sewage pollution in Hawaiʻi. During his time at Surfrider, they started a new project called Civics Is Sexy, which helped introduce hundreds of people to the state’s legislative process and eventually pass landmark bills banning single-use plastics and mandating the closure of all cesspools by 2050.