
Nerd out with us on TUESDAY, July 2nd at Mercury Bar!

Be there and be square!

Doors at 7:00, talks at 8 PM.

$5 cover.

Mercury Bar

1154 Fort Street Mall

Honolulu, HI 96813


Nerd Nite #6: DNA, Monopoly, and Going Green!

Tuesday, July 2



You can do what with DNA?” by Michael Norton

Why nanotechnology, and why now?  With an emphasis on how controversial characters have gotten us where we are in the particular area of molecular nanotechnology, DNA nanotechnology will be introduced.  Drinking may be required in an illustrative game titled, “Origami (AKA:  Are you smarter than a 40mer DNA Oligo?).”

Mike is a chemistry professor at Marshall University.  He is co-founder of a DNA production company, Vandalia Research ( and a DNA design company, Parabon Nanolabs (  May the Borgs beware!

House rules: on Monopoly and its variations” by Jaimey Hamilton Faris

Nobody really plays Monopoly by the official rules (or if they do they might be considered a NERD!?!).  “America’s Most Popular Board Game,”  available in 111 countries in 43 languages, and co-franchised with just about every imaginable pop culture icon in existence, is also one of the most convoluted (and endless) games we play.  That’s probably because it has had multiple inventors since 1904, with very different agendas.   Will this explain our love-hate relationship with the  “banker” and how we really feel about that “Go Directly to Jail. Do Not Pass Go! Do Not Collect $200” card?

Jaimey is Associate Professor of contemporary art history and critical theory at UHM.   She specializes in “applied culture” and runs occasional pop-up creative events as [OFF]hrs in Honolulu (  She is currently obsessed with art about games and play (


Green alternatives: save your cash for the bar” by Danielle Best



DJ Globes rocks Mercury with appropriately nerdy jams.